Billy Moon Funeral: To pay their respects to FDNY member William “Billy” Moon, first responders and firefighters showed up in large numbers on Thursday, joining New York City Mayor Eric Adams, FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, relatives, and friends.
Around noon, funeral services were held at St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Bay Shore, commencing with a motorcade and police officers from Suffolk and Nassau lining up on Main Street.
On December 12, Moon, 47, of Islip, was getting ready for practice inside Rescue Company 2 at 1815 Sterling Place in Brooklyn when he fell about 20 feet and sustained a significant head injury, according to officials.
Later, Mayor Adams revealed that he wouldn’t make it through his wounds.
On May 5, 2002, Moon received a position with the FDNY. He started his career in Queens’ Ladder Company 133 and spent 20 years there before being transferred earlier this year to Brooklyn’s Rescue Company 2, according to the FDNY.
Firefighter Moon worked for both the FDNY and the Long Island volunteer fire department, Islip, where he held the position of Chief of Department in 2017.

Fire engines from Rescue Company 2, Fire Ladder Company 133 in Jamaica, and Islip Fire Department followed the parade, their windshields emblazoned with the words “In Memory of Billy Moon.”
Alongside the fire trucks, dozens of drummers and bagpipers in kilts marched.
The black and purple bands that honored Moon last week in Brooklyn were still hanging from the Rescue Company 2 fire vehicle transporting his body. Bagpipers played “Amazing Grace” as firefighters carried the casket into the church.
In his remarks during the funeral, Adams remarked that in addition to being a hero as a firefighter, Moon was also a hero to his family.
“We are going to miss firefighter Moon,” said Adams. “He was not only a hero in life. He understood what it meant to be a firefighter — courage, bravery, and sacrifice.”
Adams’ testimony was supplemented by FDNY Commissioner Kavanagh, who claimed that five people, including a first responder from the 9/11 attacks and a retired fireman, were rescued thanks to Moon’s organs.
She added that Moon was a person who could have a significant impact on people and “knew that community may be larger than the sum of its parts.”
“He was not a hero because he was superhuman,” said Kavanagh. “He was a hero because he was a man who chose to go dedicate himself more fully to those around him every single day.”
The crowded church had not a single empty pew. Two substantial images of the Moon were displayed on the altar, which was still adorned with poinsettias and pine for Christmas. His three helmets, one for each department he dealt with, were displayed on a wooden table to the right.
Moon had worked with Lieutenant James Keane, who said he had spent his entire life attempting to join Rescue Company 2.
“He believed in the process because he knew what it meant to be selected,” said Keane. “His smile, which was already big, got a bit bigger and a lot better. It was confirmation of what we all already knew. Billy was the best.”
Keane added that he would put a picture of Moon’s wife, Kristina, and their kids in his locker and that their love was “obvious.”
Because of Moon’s infectious sense of humor and passion for engaging in debate with others, he joked that he was Kristina’s “first child” and her spouse.
According to Keane, Moon was a devoted father to Brianne and Colin, who are now 10 and 8 years old, and would boast to people about their successes. Keane claimed that Colin planned to donate his long, blonde hair to children with cancer, and Brianne was already following in their father’s footsteps by getting involved in charitable endeavors.
Moon was chosen by Captain William Flaherty of Rescue Company 2 because of his commitment to assisting people.
“You guys are telling me that Rescue 2 is Billy’s dream. I’ll say that Billy Moon was our dream,” said Flaherty. “He was a dream to have on our rig, even for a short time, and he made us all better.”
Colin Moon, Moon’s son, declared to the audience that he wanted to grow up just like his father while wearing proper firefighter gear.
“He described himself as cool, awesome, and the smartest in the world. My sister says he’s not. I say he is,” said Colin. “He said his favorite job is as a fireman. But really, it’s being a dad.”
The wife of Moon, Kristina, spoke on Brianne’s behalf.
“My dad was there every second he could, but I’ll tell you wherever he was, he knew someone,” she said.
Furthermore, Kristina said that she and Moon, her “best friend,” had been exchanging life and relationship advice since they first met in 2001 through mutual connections. As Islip chief, Moon would store toys on his desk to occupy his children. At the pandemic’s start, he insisted on having family game evenings and DJing many family dance parties.
Regardless of whether Brianne and Colin made it to the stage, the fact that they want to tell you about Billy, the fireman to son, speaks volumes about the kind of father he was, according to Kristina.
He would have been content even if he had not been chosen for Rescue Company 2, his ideal position, according to Kristina, because he would have been able to help his community.
Stan Lee, the late creator of Marvel, is quoted by Keane as saying that a hero cares about other people’s welfare and will go above and beyond to aid them, even if there is no opportunity for reward.
“Without a doubt, Brianne and Colin, your dad is a real-life superhero. All of his very best qualities live within you,” said Keane, his voice breaking up through tears. “People miss your dad. But we will never forget him. And we will tell his story.”
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