Chris Rose Obituary: We share the sad news of the passing of renowned Maine journalist Chris Rose, who passed away on Wednesday after suffering a cardiac incident.
Before joining NEWS CENTER Maine, where he shared his abilities for more than 30 years, Chris began his television news career in Worcester, Massachusetts, and worked as a writer and producer at WBZ-TV in Boston.
He began working for WCSH in 1986 as a newscast producer before deciding to pursue his destiny and start working in front of the camera. We all benefited from his decision.
“No one has been more reliable,” a former colleague and longtime anchor Pat Callaghan wrote in 2018 when announcing Chris’ departure from NEWS CENTER Maine. “You always knew he would make the deadline; the story would be factual, compelling, and complete; and he would never waste words. That was probably his producer training in action.”
The Maine Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame inducted him in 2017 in recognition of his famous reporting.

“For years I have maintained that if we gave an MVP award to a NEWS CENTER reporter, Chris Rose would be in the running every year,” Callaghan wrote in 2018.
Chris joined the University of New England after leaving NEWS CENTER Maine to work as a public relations specialist there.
According to his faculty bio, Chris “is committed to presenting tales about the fantastic things happening at UNE.” “That involves coming up with story ideas, talking to faculty, staff, and students, and drafting press releases and articles.”
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Chris devoted equal attention to the more humorous incidents, such as when Robin Williams came to Maine to film a movie, as well as a number of high-profile events that influenced our state and region, such as the sinking of the El Faro and the Boston Marathon bombing. No matter how severe or humorous, intriguing or seemingly unimportant, Chris gave every story he covered his best.
We are thinking about Chris’s kids, Duffy and Miranda, who she left behind when she passed away at age 63. He was our friend and a dependable, sincere professional. Follow for more information. You can also leave your thoughts in the comment section, and don’t forget to bookmark our website.
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