On June 3, 2022, Disney Channel aired a new American superhero action-comedy television series developed by Leo Chu and Eric S. Garcia and written by Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit. Scarlett Estevez, J.R. Villarreal, Marianna Burelli, Juan Alfonso, Brandon Rossel, Zelia Ankrum, and Bryan Blanco are some of the cast members of the series.
Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion Season 2 Plot
Violet Rodriguez, a 13-year-old girl who is continually overshadowed by her older brother Santiago, is the protagonist of the story. A supernatural Luchador mask selects her one day to be its wearer. Violet becomes a superhero with super-speed when she wears it. The Luchador superhero Black Scorpion, with whom she hopes to work, turns out to be Violet’s uncle Cruz, and she sets out to find him. Cruz promises to train Violet to follow in his footsteps because they both know one other’s secrets.
Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion Season 2 Cast
- Violet Rodriguez/Ultra Violet[1] is a 13-year-old girl who is chosen by a supernatural Luchador mask that transforms her into a superhero with super-speed.
- Cruz De la Vega/Black Scorpion, played by J.R. Villarreal
- The superhero mentor and Violet’s uncle who runs a wrestling gym and fights criminals in the shadows, he has superhuman strength and the ability to teleport through darkness.
- Nina Rodriguez is played by Marianna Burelli.
- Violet’s mother, Dolores Huerta Middle School Principal
- Juan Alfonso portrays Violet’s father, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, a lucha libre enthusiast.
- Maya Miller-Martinez (Zelia Ankrum), Violet’s best friend and confidante, is played by Brandon Rossel as Santiago “Tiago” Rodriguez,[1] Violet’s over-achieving elder brother.
- A gossip blogger and antisocial hall monitor at Dolores Huerta Middle School, Bryan Blanco portrays Luis León.
- Cascada, a school counsellor at Dolores Huerta Middle School and the love interest of Cruz, is Lorena Jorge’s Catalina Rivera.
Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion Season 2 Production
On January 21, 2020, Disney Channel ordered a cast-contingent pilot for Ultra Violet & Blue Demon. Executive producers include Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit. In addition to serving as an executive producer, Blue Demon Jr. Writers on the project include Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit. Juan Alfonso was added to the cast on March 11, 2020. Marianna Burelli, Brandon Rossel, Zelia Ankrum, and Bryan Blanco will also star in the series. Alejandro Damiani was supposed to direct the first episode. It was revealed on August 2, 2021 that J. R. Villareal had been added to the series, now dubbed Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion. Executive producers and showrunners Eric Garcia and Leo Chu are also on board. This is the last we’ll hear from Blue Demon Jr. on the project. A single camera is used to film the show. The series premiere date was set for June 3, 2022, on April 28, 2022. June 8, 2022 saw the release of the first 10 episodes of the series on Disney+. The series was shot in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion Story
A Mexican American family is at the core of the new Disney Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion series, which is a continuation of the movement toward more inclusivity. When a strange luchador mask picks Violet Rodriguez from the crowd, she transforms into Ultra Violet, an average Mexican American girl who saves the world from evil.
There has been an increase in superhero films and shows that depict characters from a variety of cultures, both in terms of their appearance and in terms of the actors that represent them. A number of high-profile Asian-American films were released last year, including Marvel’s Shang-Chi and Legend of the Ten Rings, both of which featured an Asian-American lead actor. Xochitl Gomez, a Mexican-American actress, portrays the character America Chavez in the summer films Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness.
There are several members of the Latino community in the household. “This is the first time we’ve seen a Latinx family in a superhero scenario,” Burelli exclaimed. “The main focus of the series isn’t on the fact that I’m originally from Mexico. No connection to the plot can be drawn from this. the story’s main conflict. There is a family in the story, but they endure the same problems as everyone else. Our superhero is a woman in her thirties! Together with Black Scorpion, another superhero, Ultra Violet sets out to learn and fight crime.