A Man Was Shot: WVUE NEW ORLEANS – On Friday afternoon, a guy was shot and murdered at a Rouses.
The 700 block of Baronne Street is where the incident happened. According to NOPD, the original call was made at 4:07 p.m.
The individual, whose identity has not yet been established, was described by investigators as 43 years old. On the O’Keeffe Street side of the store, close to the entrance, he was shot many times while sitting in a sedan in the parking lot.
He had already been declared dead when EMS arrived.

Investigators confirmed the individual was Black but did not disclose any other information about his identification.
“Unfortunately, it wasn’t a surprise for me like it should be, but it just makes you afraid to go out in public to do your daily activities,” said Johnathan Baudoin, who left the store just minutes after it happened. “Thankfully, I had missed it. But I feel bad for the others who were unfortunate enough to witness the whole incident.”
The man might not have been the shooter’s intended target, according to the police.
At this time, there are no other details available. Detectives urge that if you have any further information, you get in touch with them or Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111. Follow Newswatchlist.com for more details. You can also leave your thoughts in the comment section, and don’t forget to bookmark our website.
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