Alex Jones Divorce
Alex Jones Divorce

Alex Jones Divorce: Why Did His Ex-Wife Say His Onscreen Mania Isn’t An Act?

Alex Jones Divorce: Kelly Jones writes of the conspiracy theorist, “As a human person, he is more unhinged and crazier and scarier and threatening and towering and shouting.” Kelly, Alex Jones’ ex-wife, claims that her former husband is even more extreme and manic than he appears on film, comparing him to the “kind of insane like Charlie Charles Manson.”

Kelly Jones told “The Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur on Friday, “In person, as a human being, he is more unhinged and strange and scarier and threatening and looming and shouting, I would say, than on TV.”

Jones, who wanted custody of their children with the InfoWars host after their divorce in 2015, told Uygur he’s “not a stable guy” and he got right to the point in their talk. To which Kelly replies, “I think a lot of people question, is it an act with Alex Jones or is he truly that unhinged?” It was Uygur who queried. Likewise, now we can see people searching for Alex Jones Divorce.

“Is He Really Real or Just Crazy?”

She went on. To paraphrase one reviewer, “In person, as a human being, I would argue he is more unhinged and strange and scarier and threatening and towering and roaring than on film. She added, “And he’s, he’s, he’s changed on television.

You can tell he’s reverting to his true self when he announces, “Oh, I have to go off the air right now.” The true fury is starting to show. Jones characterised the actions of her former partner as “severe” and worse.

To the family of a 6-year-old victim of the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting, Jones was sentenced to pay over $50 million in compensation and punitive damages in early August. Jones had previously claimed that the tragedy was a fabrication.

After he and his media firm, Free Speech Systems, were found responsible in November 2021 for defamation and inflicting emotional distress on the relatives of the victims, he now faces two additional reparations hearings.

Other assertions of his include that global warming is a fraud perpetrated by the World Bank, that Hurricane Irma may have been geo-engineered, and that Michelle Obama is a transgender woman. Please forward this to your friends if you find it interesting. Visit for the most recent celebrity news and updates.

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Francis Castro writes related to the Trending News Category. She manages to cover anything. Francis is our freelance contributor. Francis is responsible for covering reporting in Trending finance and business categories. Francis has experience of 5 years as reporter to Trending News insights.

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