Mexican drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes took over the Juarez Cartel after killing his boss, Rafael Aguilar Guajardo. He became known as “El Senor de Los Cielos,” the ruler of the sky, because of his extensive fleet of planes to deliver drugs. Amado has a prior history of using Colombia to launder money. The Netflix crime drama series “Narcos” featured his narrative. And it began airing the previous season on November 5.
Who Is Amado Carrillo Fuentes Wife?
In certain web publications, Sonia Barragan Perez is referred to as Amado Carrillo Fuentes’ wife. Currently, we cannot track down any information on Amado’s wife. In Guamuchilito, Navolato, Sinaloa, Mexico, Amado Carrillo Fuentes was born to Aurora Fuentes and Walter Vicente Carrillo Vega.
Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, also known as “Don Neto,” was the nephew of Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, who had eleven siblings (the leader of the Guadalajara Cartel). Amado’s uncle, Ernesto guided him as he started his drug career. Vicente Jose Carrillo Leyva, his brother and son later joined him in the company.
Was Amado Carrillo Fuentes Married To His Girlfriend Marta Venus Cáceres?
Marta Venus Caceres, Amado Carrillo Fuentes’ lover, was not his wife. The Cuban singer Marta, with whom he was in a relationship. According to the report, Marta was unaware of Amado’s drug peddling activities. To visit Marta Venus Caceres, his girlfriend, Amado, frequently traveled to the island.

Amado Carrillo Fuentes Cause Of Death
Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a Mexican drug kingpin, passed away at a Mexican hospital in July 1997. After undergoing multiple plastic surgeries to alter his look so he could elude the authorities, he passed away. He passed away due to problems during his surgery that resulted in a medicine or respirator malfunction.
The Mexican and American officials deceived Amado in his final days. In addition, the two doctors who operated on Carrillo were discovered dead and trapped in concrete inside of steel drums; their bodies displayed evidence of torture. In Guamuchilio, Sinaloa, Amado also received a significant and pricey funeral.
Amando Fuentes Parents – Vicente Carrillo and Aurora Fuentes
Vicente Carrillo and Aurora Fuentes had a son named Amado Carrillo. The couple was blessed with five daughters and six sons. Vicente Carrillo Vega passed away in April 1986 under unclear circumstances; according to some accounts, he was shot by the police. Aurora Fuentes and her family owned the Aurora property, which consisted of corn and beans, and they resided in the neighborhood of El Guamuchilito. On July 11, 2014, his mother Aurora Fuentes Aguirre, who was 78, passed away. She died from kidney issues at the Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance in Edinburg.
Amando Carrillo Fuentes Spouse: Candeleria Leyva Cardenas
Amando and Candeleria Leyva Cardenas have three children together. The relationship between the two was unstable, and Candeleria was constantly concerned about the welfare of her family and children. Every time she attempted to leave or flee, Amado would physically assault her.
Leyva Vicente Carrillo Celia Karina Quevedo Gastelum is the spouse. Celia Karina Quevedo Gastelum, who was wed to Vicente Carrillo Leyva, never concealed her identity from the general public. In 2009, she became the cause of Levya’s arrest. He was taken into custody in Lomas’ Park Forest.
Vicente Carrillo Fuentes
On October 16, 1962, Vicente Carrillo Fuentes was born. He also went by the name EL Viceroy and succeeded his uncle, who served as the cartel’s kingpin with his brother. He was created in Sinola’s Navolato. He succeeded his brother in running the Juarez Cartel and earned the nickname “Lord of the Skies” for employing a fleet of Boeing aircraft to carry cocaine.
Rodolfo Carrillo
Amado Carrillo’s younger brother was Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes. After his brother’s passing, he ascended to cartel king. He was referred to as the cartel’s “Golden Boy” and was well known for negotiating deals with businesses without resorting to violence. On September 11, 2014, he passed away.
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