Ava Fellerman of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was involved in a “terrible” car accident on State Road 44 on Sunday, December 11, 2022, according to sources, and as a result, she suffered severe injuries.
Sadly, Fellerman’s injuries from the collision led to his death. Investigations are continuing, but there are no specifics regarding the circumstances leading up to the crash.
Ava had a profound effect on everyone in her vicinity. She will be sorely missed. As we grieve alongside family and friends for this significant loss, words can’t adequately express our sorrow for your loss. Accept our sympathies, and may God comfort you via our prayers. Kindly accept our sincere sympathies.

Please send prayers and sympathies to the deceased’s family and friends; they would be greatly appreciated during this trying time.
A junior hockey player at St. Cloud Tech High School, Charlie.
Charlie Boike, 17, was driving south on 23rd Avenue in St. Augusta, about five miles south of St. Cloud, at around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, December, according to the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office, when he lost control, ran into the ditch, and rolled his SUV.
Bystanders tried to save Boike’s life before emergency personnel arrived, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.
Charlie was the 2nd son of Jeff and Erika Boike and brother to Drew and Lewis. He was a member of the St. Cloud Crush Hockey Team and the #1 fan of the St Cloud Norseman.
The Boike Family is truly the heart of hockey in the St. Cloud area, and we would love to be able to help them as they prepare to honor Charlie and the life he lived with a huge heart and his memorable smile.
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