Corrections Policy


When an article, headline, photo caption, graphic, video, or other piece of content needs to be significantly corrected, we swiftly issue a correction explaining the change.


We edit the article & add a clarification to the story if our journalism is factually accurate but the language used to express those facts is not clear or as precise as it should be.

We also utilise clarifications when fresh information has changed our understanding of an event or when we initially neglected to follow up on a comment or answer that has since been added to the narrative.

Editor’s Notes

We publish an editor’s note along with a thorough explanation of the problem when a correction calls into question the integrity of the entire article or raises significant ethical questions. Only with the editor-in-approval chief’s can an editor’s note be added.

Additional correction policies:

  • On social media networks, all corrections are made on the appropriate platform.
  • If readers point out errors in the comments, the correction will be made clear there.
  • No specific reporters or editors will be held accountable. However, the same must be mentioned in cases where errors arise from a publication issue or from false information provided by a reliable source.