Cyre Phillips Car Accident
Cyre Phillips Car Accident

Cyre Phillips Car Accident: She Died In An Automobile Crash!

Cyre Phillips Car Accident: A hit-and-run driver struck and murdered an eighth grader on Long Island while he and his sister were walking home. Police in Coram, New York, said 13-year-old Tyler Phillips was walking with his sister in a bike lane on Wednesday evening around 7:30 p.m. when they were hit by a car.

A car was about to hit Tyler’s sister, so he pulled her out of the way to protect her, but he was shot and killed early Thursday morning. According to family friend Steffani Campbell: “The car hit her first, and I believe he went to jump and rescue her, and it just took him.”

“She claimed she saw him suddenly float into the middle of the road, at which point she immediately dialed 911. They only gave her instructions to perform CPR on him.” The William Paca Middle School student in Mastic Beach had just celebrated his Tuesday birthday.

His loved ones are currently making arrangements for his burial. “In the ambulance, they attempted CPR. They rushed him to Stony Brook Medical Center, but by then his skull and the spinal column had been detached. The man is entirely out of it; his brain is dead, “Mama Desira Mack said.

Krystal, his 13-year-old sister, had been harmed too but was on the mend. She said, “He rescued me.” When asked about her son, his mother stated, “He was a hero, and he will always be a hero.”

The kids spent the afternoon at a playground in Gordon Heights, the closest one near the homeless shelter where they’ve been living for the past year. Pastor Cynthia McCants explained that most community members don’t own cars and must walk to the nearest entertainment venue. That tiny park is the only nearby attraction.

According to Krystal, the SUV that struck them and drove off without stopping had its lights off even though it was nighttime. She speculated that it was a grey Jeep. His family is begging the driver to come forward while police search for the vehicle.

“We anticipate front and/or side passenger damage to the car involved. Currently, we are searching for potential witnesses and footage in the vicinity, “Inspector David Doherty’s deputy said. The school system is providing grief counseling.

It is encouraged that anyone with knowledge about the hit-and-run call the police. Please tell your friends about this if you think it’s interesting. Go to for the latest updates and news about celebrities.

About Francis Castro 2579 Articles
Francis Castro writes related to the Trending News Category. She manages to cover anything. Francis is our freelance contributor. Francis is responsible for covering reporting in Trending finance and business categories. Francis has experience of 5 years as reporter to Trending News insights.

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