Elliana Walmsley: Elliana Walmsley is a social media and YouTube sensation best known for her part in Dance Moms. She was born in Boulder, Colorado, to two older brothers. At 18, she enrolled in the Joffrey Ballet School to pursue her ballet career. She even studied ballet at a LA studio in preparation for the KAR dance competition. Elliana joined Dance Moms in season two. Did Elliana Break Up With Jentzen?
Who Is Jentzen Ramirez?
Jentzen Ramirez, who began his career as a kid actor, is now a viral video star. Even though he has a large fan base on the internet because of his parts in major motion pictures like Star Trek: The Next Generation and The Lurking Fear, he is most well-known for the challenge videos he routinely posts to YouTube with his friends and fiancée. He is a karate black belt who frequently updates his YouTube channel with clips of his shenanigans.
Are Jentzen And Elliana Still Together?
Jentzen posted a video to YouTube in September or October of last year in which he publicly introduced Elliana as his girlfriend. There’s a video on the internet titled “Introducing My NEW GIRLFRIEND To My BEST FRIENDS**SECRET REVEAL**.” He sprung the news on his friends in an unexpected manner by broadcasting it live on YouTube. There have been multiple films they’ve made together since then, including “living together for a day” and “getting married for a day.”
In addition to his horrible treatment of her mother in another “prank” video, his fake proposal to her was just the beginning. Their entire relationship lasted for slightly over a year. You can watch the couple’s public proclamation of love in the video below.
Did Elliana Break Up With Jentzen?

Their relationship has come to an end. By November of 2021, they had already begun to drift apart. A YouTube video titled “We Broke Up…” served as the couple’s official split announcement. Since they had been together for so long, they said the parting was unbearable. Fans were assured that the two would continue to collaborate in the future.
Their connection was toxic, and they both agreed it had to cease. Following the incident, a video captioned “I Spent 24 Hours Buried Alive With My Ex GIRLFRIEND |Jentzen Ramirez” was posted online.
What Happened Between Jentzen And Elliana?
However, Elliana Walmsley and Jentzen Ramirez have ended their relationship, and it’s unclear who ended things with whom. Jentzen explained the breakup in the video’s description: “Hey everyone, it’s Jentzen Ramirez. My current video production ranks among the most difficult ones I’ve ever attempted. This isn’t meant to give people false optimism, so don’t worry about that.
My ex-girlfriend Elliana and I filmed this video in which we share our thoughts and feelings on our recent breakup. For the past year, Elliana has been a vital part of my life, and I am indebted to her. Elliana has taught me a great deal, but the most important thing is how to love sincerely.
Despite the breakup of our romantic connection, our friendship will remain strong. We’ll always have Jentzen, and you’re a significant part of my life, Elliana. You can rest assured that I will. Look on as we let our feelings and the state of affairs out in the open.
In the clip, Jentzen claimed that Elliana had agreed to continue being his best friend as per his desire. They might run into each other again down the road. Thus, the potential for a romantic relationship in the future is not closed off, but it is not the right moment for it. Jentzen admitted that it was difficult for him to juggle all of his responsibilities, including those to his family, friends, YouTube, and schoolwork.
What is your favorite color pic.twitter.com/sRgdKtFqAb
— Jentzen Ramirez (@JentzenRamirez) May 1, 2022
Elliana admitted in the video that the relationship wasn’t healthy and that her mental health wasn’t excellent. Jentzen agreed. Then Jentzen gushes over Elliana, including a romantic montage of their shared past and present happiness. Some topics covered included the exes’ tender ages and the stress of a public breakup. As open as they were about their online relationships, they knew it was only suitable to tell their fans.
When Did Jentzen And Elliana Started Courting?
In October, Jentzen started dating Elliana a year ago after she pretended to be his girlfriend in a YouTube video. My New Girlfriend, The Best Friends You Never Knew I Had**SECRET REVEAL**, is the video’s title.
He uploaded a video to YouTube praising her and announcing the winner. Since then, they’ve made a series of films in which they play a married couple who spends a day together at each other’s houses and ultimately gets married. He’s pulled several pranks on her, such as faking to propose in one movie and torturing her mom in another.
It had been about a year since they’d first started dating. When his ex-girlfriend Sophie Fergi found out about the connection, she was conflicted about how she felt about it.
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