How Old Is Pope Francis
How Old Is Pope Francis

How Old Is Pope Francis? Is He Dead?

Bergoglio was born in Argentina to parents who had immigrated from Italy. After completing his training in high school to become a chemical technician, he spent some time in the food processing sector.

Still, he ultimately decided to devote his life to the ministry instead. Around the time he became 21 years old, he was hospitalized with a severe case of pneumonia that ultimately required a portion of his right lung to be removed.

In 1958, he joined the Jesuit order. He pursued a career in academia, first studying humanities in Santiago, Chile, and then getting a licentiate in philosophy from the Buenos Aires province.

A licentiate is the academic equivalent of a master’s degree. After completing his undergraduate degree, he earned a theological degree while working as a high school teacher of literature and psychology.

In 1969, he was given the ordination to become a priest; in 1973, he made his final vows as a member of the Jesuit order; after that, he served as the superior (or head) of the Jesuit province in Argentina (1973–79).

How Old Is Pope Francis?

Pope Francis stated that his recent trip to Canada proved that he might one day be forced to retire if his health deteriorates.

Although he was recently forced to deny rumors that he was about to step down, the 85-year-old Catholic leader has previously left open the possibility of someday retiring.

How Old Is Pope Francis
How Old Is Pope Francis

He spent most of his Canadian visit using a wheelchair. Although he was recently forced to deny rumors that he was about to step down, he has previously left open the possibility of someday retiring.

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Only two popes before Francis have ever stepped down from their positions, making Francis the third pope in history to do so. The gathering of cardinals in 2013 was taken aback by Pope Benedict’s announcement that he would resign.

Is Pope Francis Dead?

It is not uncommon for religious leaders to pass away while serving in their positions because of the moral weight attached to a “good” death.

During Pope John Paul II’s terminal illness, enormous crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square and other places worldwide. Many people will remember these scenes.

There are profoundly critical theological arguments in favor of a pope serving in his position till the moment of his death among Catholics.

The Pope, in his role as universal shepherd, successor to Saint Peter, and vicar of Christ, not only embodies the Church as a whole but also provides a visible and seemingly uninterrupted link to the Church’s purported roots, which are supposed to go back to Jesus Christ via Saint Peter.

This conventional image of the Catholic Church as having a single, undivided head can be complicated because there have been multiple living popes (both now serving and previously retired).

It is easier to miss, but the Pope’s status as the temporal ruler of Vatican City – and, with it, the mechanism of papal elections – is just as significant for this papal practice of dying in office as it is a tradition that dates back centuries.

Although the region that Pope Francis is responsible for is relatively small, he is considered Europe’s final absolute king.

About Francis Castro 2579 Articles
Francis Castro writes related to the Trending News Category. She manages to cover anything. Francis is our freelance contributor. Francis is responsible for covering reporting in Trending finance and business categories. Francis has experience of 5 years as reporter to Trending News insights.

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