Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill: Last week’s violent uprising at the United States Capitol, incited by President Donald Trump, represents a low point in American history. Many, including those who have been researching the president’s mental fitness and the psychology of his most fervent followers since he entered office, are not surprised by the rioters’ acts or his role in or response to them.
Bandy X. Lee is one such individual; he is a forensic psychiatrist and the head of the World Mental Health Coalition. In her edited volume The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, Lee headed a group of psychiatrists, psychologists, and other specialists questioning Trump’s mental fitness for office.
By doing so, Lee and her coworkers vehemently opposed a change made by the American Psychiatric Association to a guideline from the 1970s called the Goldwater rule, which advised psychiatrists against offering an expert judgment about prominent figures they have not personally evaluated.
Lee argues that the Declaration of Geneva should be brought up whenever the Goldwater rule is brought up since it requires doctors to speak out against damaging regimes. This proclamation was written as a result of direct exposure to Nazism.
Lee’s new book, Profile of a Nation: Trump’s Mind, America’s Soul, provides a psychological analysis of the president set against the perspectives of his supporters and the United States.
As more and more current and previous leaders call for Trump to be impeached, these observations have taken on new significance. Earlier this month, on January 9th, Lee and her World Mental Health Coalition coworkers issued a statement demanding Trump’s impeachment. Likewise, now we can see people searching for Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill
What Attracts People To Trump? What Is Their Animus Or Driving Force?
In my new public-service book, Profile of a Nation, I’ve identified two critical emotional drives—narcissistic symbiosis and shared psychosis. The developmental traumas that make the leader-follower connection irresistible are selfish symbiosis. The leader craves admiration to make up for insecurity.
Thus they come across as all-powerful. Meanwhile, the followers are desperate for a parent figure due to the effects of social pressure or developmental trauma. When those with emotional scars are elevated to positions of authority, they trigger a “lock and key” reaction from the rest of the population. Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill

Shared psychosis, often known as “folie à millions” (French for “madness for millions”) when it affects a whole country or “caused delusions,” describes the spread of extreme symptoms beyond what can be explained by group psychology.
A highly symptomatic person’s symptoms can spread throughout the population through emotional links, exacerbating preexisting illnesses and producing delusions, paranoia, and a predisposition for violence—even in previously healthy individuals—when that person is placed in a position of influence. To treat the condition, all sources of exposure must be shut down.
Why Does Trump Himself Seem To Gravitate Toward Violence And Destruction?
Destructiveness, whether inflicted on oneself or others, is a defining feature of mental disease. First, let me state unequivocally that people suffering from mental illness are not inherently more dangerous than the general population. However, when criminal intent is coupled with psychosis, the resulting individuals are much more hazardous than either condition alone would suggest.
My violence textbook emphasizes violence’s symbolic meaning and status as a misguided urge to take life. In a nutshell, when love fails, respect steps in. As a result, respect is lost when fear is not an option. Trump is currently experiencing an unacceptable loss of care: rejection by a nation for his election failure. Using violence can alleviate feelings of helplessness, inadequacy, and ineffectuality.
Do You Think Trump Is Truly Exhibiting Delusional Or Psychotic Behavior? Or Is He Simply Behaving Like An Autocrat Making A Bald-faced Attempt To Hold Onto His Power?
Both, if you ask me. Because his severe narcissism prevents him from viewing other people as equals, a condition necessary for a functioning democracy, he is unquestionable of an authoritarian nature. Even though a delusion’s credibility is often determined through an in-person interview with a psychiatrist, additional evidence supports its existence.
First, the rapidity with which Trump’s illusions have spread shows that he indeed believes them. Second, he is vulnerable to psychotic downward spirals because of his severe intolerance of reality that doesn’t accord with his idealized worldview. Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill
Third, through a systematic examination, my coworker and I found that his public record contains countless interviews and encounters with other individuals, such as the hour-long one with the Georgia secretary of state, that very closely prove delusion.
Where Does The Hatred Some Of His Supporters Display Come From? And What Can We Do To Promote Healing?
In my book Profile of a Nation, I explain the various factors contributing to his fan base. However, severe mental harm results from a relative, rather than absolute, socioeconomic disadvantage. Yes, there is much hurt, rage, and redirected energy for hatred, all of which Trump has exploited to his ends.
Because of the connections he has forged, mass insanity can now be experienced by everybody. In light of the circumstances, this was inevitable. I usually propose the three-step process for healing: First, the offending factor must be eliminated (the influential person with severe symptoms). Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill
Deconstructing mind-control mechanisms, once prevalent in marketing but now widely used in politics. Third, addressing the structural and economic factors contributing to the deterioration of the community’s emotional well-being.
What Do You Predict He Will Do After His Presidency?
Again, I stress the importance of viewing the president, his supporters, and the nation as a whole rather than in silos in Profile of a Nation. Therefore, we have a significant stake in his actions after he leaves office.
I sped through the book over the summer because we need to take decisive action to prevent him from bringing about a range of disastrous results for the country, including creating a shadow presidency.
This is why I have pushed so hard for his ouster and responsibility in whatever form, including criminal prosecution. Remember that he is more of a follower than a leader; when he cannot impose his limits, we must do so. Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill
What Do You Think Will Happen To His Supporters?
There will be a lot of trauma and disillusionment unless we handle this correctly. These are normal responses to extraordinary circumstances, so don’t worry about them. Emotional recovery requires societal resources like places to belong and be treated with respect. People emotionally linked to their abusers or cult members are often blind to the harm being done to them.
Sooner or later, their defenses against emotional anguish and disillusionment join forces with the enormity of the deception. They become blind to the truth as a result of this. The scenario is pretty similar among Trump supporters. The potential exists for this resistance to be channeled by another pathological figure who presents a superficial “solution.”
How Can We Avert Future Insurrection Attempts Or Acts Of Violence?
Because violence is the result of many causes, avoiding it is essential. The most powerful motivator of behavioral violence is structural violence or injustice. And eliminating economic, racial, and gender disparities will go a long way toward keeping people from resorting to violence.
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Knowledge and in-depth understanding are crucial for effective prevention to help us predict and prepare for future events like the pandemic. The Trump administration’s silence of mental health experts, mainly due to the politicized distortion of an ethical guideline, was, in my opinion, a cataclysmic failure on the part of the American people to comprehend, forecast, and prevent the risks of this presidency. Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill
Do You Have Any Advice For People Who Do Not Support Trump But Have Supporters Of Him Or “Mini-Trumps” In Their Lives?
One of the contributors to the 2017 anthology I edited, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, foresaw that this would be a problem, and they were right: Trump’s connection with his fans is abusive. As soon as the victim’s thought processes are subverted for the abuser’s benefit, logical arguments and empirical evidence are rendered useless. Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill
The very act of removing Trump from the office will be therapeutic. My first advice is to avoid challenging the views of [his supporters], as doing so is likely to meet with opposition. Second, rather than trying to convince them, you should work to alter the conditions that have fostered their misguided perspectives.
Third, it’s essential to take care of one’s head and mental health; people with delusional narratives have a habit of ignoring reality to justify their incorrect beliefs. Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill
When dealing with a mini-Trump, it’s essential to establish unwavering limits, reduce interactions, and consider ending the connection altogether. I’ve made it my career to curing violent people, so I know there must be a way to help them, but they rarely come in voluntarily. Keep yourself updated with all the latest news from our website and get all the recent updates.
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