Jessica Simpson Weight Gain: Jessica Simpson is grinning while “spring-breaking.” The 41-year-old singer, actress, businesswoman, and novelist posted a selfie to Instagram in which she is wearing a bright bikini, a floppy peach hat, and sunglasses. In her post, the celebrity smiled while posing and detailed her joy.
Simpson captioned the photo with “Hard work,” “Determination,” and “Self Love,” adding, “I have gained and dropped 100lbs 3x, so I never believed this moment could or would happen, but I finally spring breakin’ wearin’ a BIKINI!!!!!” She concluded by writing, “I enjoyed a nice proud weep today,” and adding the emojis for an arm flex, the sun, and the heart.

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The three-parent mother previously talked openly about her body image. Before the birth of her third child, Birdie, in September 2019, Simpson claimed she had gained 240 pounds and has now lost 100 pounds. She stated that she was “pleased” to have lost the weight and to be “feeling like myself again.” Later, her trainer would tell ET that getting about 12,000 steps a day of walking was crucial. Simpson revealed to ET about a year ago a tactic that helped her fitness journey: giving up the scale!
We have a purpose, correct? However, I advise getting rid of the scale,” she added. Because the scale may ruin our day, I would use it as a measuring tape. I asked my husband, Eric Johnson, to carry it to the garbage. Performing the act, according to Simpson, was liberating. She continued, “I have to rid myself of measuring up to what weight I should be because I’ve had so many people tell me what I need to be, and I think it’s really about just how you feel.”
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In her piece for Amazon Original Stories, Take the Lead: An Essay, which is “about parenthood, self-acceptance, and conquering the worries that keep you back,” Simpson also brought up the matter of throwing away her scale. She explains in the essay why she stopped doing so at the end of her third pregnancy with her daughter Birdie.
Three weeks before having Birdie in 2019, I weighed myself when writing my book, she said, referring to her memoir, Open Book. “Eric had to recite the number to me because, at that moment, I couldn’t see the scale. He read the number in an emotionless tone befitting of a husband who is madly in love with his wife. I said, “This has to be broken.” Eric remained silent. I said, “Here, you just get on it.” He did. The figure was precise. Less than mine, even.
My spouse, a six-foot-three former NFL tight end, weighed more than I did. I sobbed as I sat in the bathtub. This number immediately tried to push itself to the front and say, “I am what counts.” My pregnancy with Birdie had been challenging, requiring hospitals and excruciating suffering.
Simpson discussed the hardship and agony she experienced before giving birth to Birdie in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek conducted earlier this year. This included sleeping in a hospital bed with a case of bronchitis so bad that she required a breathing machine. “Birdie’s oxygen saturation levels were dwindling. I was unable to breathe, said Simpson. I weighed 260 pounds. She was a vast infant. Just take her out, we urged. If you think this is interesting, please share it with your friends. For more updates and latest news regarding celebrities, Visit
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