An accusation that Jim Carrey supplied the narcotics that contributed to his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White’s suicide will result in a wrongful death trial.
James Eugene Carrey, a Canadian-American actor and comedian was born on January 17, 1962. Carrey rose to fame in 1990 after obtaining a part in the American sketch comedy television series In Living Color. He is known for his lively slapstick performances (1990–1994). With Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber, he became a movie star (all 1994). Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, Batman Forever, and Liar Liar (all from 1995) came after this.
Who was Cathriona, though? Who is accusing whom, and what is happening right now? The most recent information regarding the case is provided below.
What Was Jim Carrey’s Relationship Status Like?
Carrey and his family attended the 2008 premiere of Horton Hear a Who! Jim Carrey dated Linda Ronstadt for eight months in 1983. Carrey has had two marriages. On March 28, 1987, he wed Melissa Womer, a waiter at the Comedy Store and a former actress. Jane Erin Carrey, their daughter, was born on September 6, 1987. Jane competed on American Idol in 2012. In 1995, Carrey and Womer got divorced.
Carrey wed Lauren Holly, his Dumb and Dumber co-star, on September 23, 1996; the union lasted less than a year. Carrey and co-star Renée Zellweger of the movie Me, Myself, and Irene were engaged from 1999 to 2000. In 2002, January Jones and Carrey were dating. Carrey first met actress and model Jenny McCarthy in 2005, and the two began dating in June 2006. The couple called it quit on their romance in April 2010. McCarthy said that they remained close friends in October 2010.
In 2012, Carrey met Cathriona White, an Irish County Tipperary cosmetics artist. They were together from 2012 through 2015. White was discovered dead on September 28, 2015, after a prescription drug overdose; the LA County Medical Examiner determined that White committed suicide. At her funeral in Cappawhite, County Tipperary, Ireland, Carrey served as a pallbearer.
With his partner Ginger Gonzaga, Carrey went to the Golden Globes 2019 Party in January 2019. After dating for less than a year, the couple broke up.
Who Was Cathriona White, Ex-Girlfriend of Jim Carrey?
Irish makeup artist Cathriona White was from County Tipperary. She dated Hollywood actor Jim Carrey intermittently between 2012 and her passing in 2015.
Over the years, the skilled 30-year-old worked as a stylist on several high-profile projects, working with well-known celebrities, including David Hasselhoff and Lyndie Greenwood.
However, Cathriona struggled with depression and made suicide threats before taking her own life in 2015. She overdosed on several prescription drugs at her Los Angeles residence on September 28, dying as a result.

Before taking her own life, she posted: “I hope that by leaving Twitter, I was a source of light for my loved ones. Love and peace to you all.”
Did Cathriona White Leave Any Notes Before She Died?
Following her passing, it was discovered that Cathriona had expressed suicidal thoughts while dating Carrey. In one message from 2012, she wrote that she was “too messed up for anyone to love,” according to TMZ.
Investigators have discovered that she wrote, “My blood is on your hands” in another letter she sent to Carrey, 54, after their 2013 breakup, accusing him of giving her STDs.
She informs Carrey in a suicide note, “Jim, You damaged my life. And even after that, you continued to throw insults on top of abuses. “In one letter, she makes a note for 2012.
Faeries, take me out of this dreary world, she captioned an Instagram photo she posted just before she passed away. Since I would like to travel with you on the wind, “Run above the disordered tide and dance like a flame upon the mountains. Mr. W.B. Yeats”
It has also been revealed that she did not write another two years before her suicide. According to the claim, Cathriona was exposed to drugs, prostitution, and STDs because of the famous actor.
On April 8, 2013, she wrote the note on her iPad, but it is unknown if she transmitted it to the Canadian-born actor, according to From 2012 through 2016, the Hollywood actor dated Cathriona White, an accomplished makeup artist from Ireland.
Who Is Mark Burton?
Cathriona White, Carrey’s former girlfriend, wed Mark Burton in 2013. Cathriona married Mark Burton, a cameraman she met in Los Angeles while working on an internet comedy series, at the time of her passing.
Although she and Mr. Burton were planning to get a divorce, they were still legally wed at the time of her death, making him her next-of-kin, according to Ed Winter, the assistant chief of the Los Angeles coroner’s office, who spoke to The Times.
“Wrongful killing and breach of the drug dealer responsibility act,” according to Mark Burton, are the basis for his complaint. It charges Carrey with smuggling the prescription medications Cathriona used to commit suicide.
A further allegation in the lawsuit is that the actor gave her the medications “although he knew full well that Ms. White was ill-equipped to ingest and manage highly addictive prescription drugs outside the care of a licensed physician; was prone to depression; and had previously attempted suicide.”
According to the coroner’s report, Cathriona’s suicide most likely involved bottles with the name Arthur King on them. Later, Cathriona’s mom backed up the assertion.
What Is Jim Carrey’s Reaction?
In a later statement, Carrey called the filing a “sad shame.” In addition, the 54-year-old said: “There are times in life when you have to stand up and defend your honor against the wickedness in this world. It would be easy to get in a back room with this man’s attorney and make this go away.

“I will not put up with this callous attempt to take advantage of the woman I loved or me. “Cat’s problems began before I even knew her, and regrettably, no one could have prevented the awful conclusion to her life. I fervently hope that at some point soon, people will stop attempting to make money off of this and allow her to rest in peace.
Did Jim Carrey Stand Trial?
The allegations that Jim used his “money, influence, and celebrity status” to provide the prescription medications that contributed to Cathriona’s overdose will be the subject of a trial, the court confirmed in June 2017. The problem was scheduled to start in April 2018, and Jim was going to testify in front of a jury about allegations of drug dealing and wrongful killing following American law.
According to reports, Jim attempted to make a privacy request; however, a judge dismissed both the appeal and Jim’s attempts to have charges that he gave Cathriona STDs removed. The judge reasoned that Jim’s privacy concerns were not of the utmost importance.
Jim was acquitted of any wrongdoing before the case ever went to trial, thanks to evidence presented by his attorney that Cathriona had sought to use bogus STD test results to blackmail the actor.
White’s family said Jim gave her pills after she overdosed and died in 2015 and also infected her with three STIs (STDs). Jim’s defense team established that White fabricated her medical papers to claim she was STD-free before she met Carrey.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the wrongful death claims brought by Brigid Sweetman, White’s mother, and her estranged husband, Mark Burton, were dropped on January 25.
Last September, the Ace Ventura actor filed a countersuit, alleging that the legal action was an attempt to profit from his notoriety. White, according to Carrey, allegedly sought to blackmail him by threatening to leak untrue claims that he had exposed her to STDs to the media.
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Additionally, she said that the famous actor, who has appeared in films including Dumb and Dumber and The Truman Show, had introduced her “to drugs and prostitutes.” The claim made by White’s family was that Carrey gave White the illegal narcotics she used to overdose.
Additionally, they asserted that her mental suffering resulted from the alleged STDs. Last year, Raymond Boucher, Carrey’s attorney, urged the court to order Burton to disclose the findings of White’s STD test.
The lawyer for the actor concluded that the 2011 document proving that White was STD-free before meeting Carrey was a forgery. “Jim is looking forward to moving on with his life now,” a spokeswoman for Carrey told the Hollywood Reporter. According to a White family lawyer, we have no additional comment.
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