Student Suspended After Filming Teacher Using Racial Slur
Student Suspended After Filming Teacher Using Racial Slur

Missouri High School Student Suspended For Recording Teacher’s Use of Racial Slur in Class!

The mother and attorney of a Missouri high school sophomore suspended three days after recording her teacher using a racial epithet in class last week demanded that the district issue an apology and remove the suspension via her record.

The incident happened on May 9 in a geometry class at Glendale High School in Springfield. After the teacher repeatedly used the slur, the student decided to pick up her phone and record, according to Natalie Hull, the teen’s attorney.

The teacher, who the school district has not publicly identified, was caught on camera by the student Mary Walton using the N-word twice in a video that lasted about one minute.

In the clip, a different student challenges the teacher’s use of the term, to which the latter responds, “I’m not calling anyone a n—-r. I can say the word.”

Springfield Public Schools reported that the educational system no longer employed the teacher. According to a policy that forbids students from recording faculty members unless they first obtain permission, the student was suspended, according to Hull.

“It is absolutely impressive that the 15-year-old girl knew something was happening and stood up in the face of it and said: ‘I’m going to document this. I’m going to stand up for what’s right, no matter what. And I am going to make sure that this is brought to light,’” Hull said in a Tuesday interview.

She remarked: “Mary was trying to provide indisputable documentation of the monumental wrong she witnessed in class. Mary does not understand why she got punished, because she did the right thing.”

Student Suspended After Filming Teacher Using Racial Slur

According to Hull, the adolescent also worries about possible criticism she might face when she returns to class following the suspension.

“She’s worried about how she’s going to be treated. And she’s worried about how this is going to affect her moving forward in her educational endeavors.”

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According to a statement from school district spokesperson Stephen Hall, the teacher is no longer employed by the educational system. Hall also argued in favor of punishing students in similar situations.

“Much speculation has occurred regarding student discipline related to a video recording of the unacceptable classroom incident,” Hall said. “Student discipline is confidential, per federal law, and Springfield Public Schools cannot disclose specifics related to actions taken.”

The statement continues, “The student handbook is clear, however, on consequences for inappropriate use of electronic devices,” “Any consequences applied per the scope and sequence would also consider if minors are identifiable in the recording and what, if any, hardships are endured by other students due to a violation of privacy with the dissemination of the video in question.”

According to Hall, the school district stands by how it handled the incident.

“We want our schools to be safe and welcoming learning environments. When students have concerns, they should follow the appropriate steps for reporting.”

Josh Groves, the principal of Glendale High School, stated in a letter to the student body on May 9 that the teacher’s comments were “inappropriate, inexcusable and did not meet the professional standards for Springfield Public Schools employees.”

According to the district policy on “Inappropriate Use of Electronic Devices” in the student handbook, students cannot record faculty members or other students without permission. In high school, sanctions for first offenses can include custody, a maximum three-day suspension, and a meeting between teachers and parents.

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On Tuesday, Walton’s 44-year-old mother, Kate Welborn, stated that her daughter was morally right to record.

“What any parent wants is to know that they have raised a child that has a good moral compass,” told Welborn. “My daughter demonstrated that, and I am incredibly proud of her, and so is her father and her extended family.”

Hull said the district policy needs to be reevaluated because it is too restrictive and compared Walton’s actions to those of a whistleblower.

“When she picked up the camera and started recording … it was a news event. She was capturing it in case it needed to be shared,” Hull told.

To protect student privacy, the school district declined to comment on whether it would review its policy, lift the student’s suspension, or extend an apology to her on Tuesday.

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About Calvin Croley 2023 Articles
Calvin Croley holds Master’s degree in Business Administration. As an avid day trader, Calvin is a master of technical analysis and writes tirelessly on how stocks are trading. He has extensive knowledge in technical analysis & news writing. Calvin delivers reports regarding news category.Email: [email protected]Address: 654 East 10th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93307 USA

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