Putin Grants Russian Citizenship To Edward Snowden
Putin Grants Russian Citizenship To Edward Snowden

Putin Grants Russian Citizenship To Edward Snowden!

According to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on Monday, former U.S. security contractor Edward Snowden has been given Russian citizenship. One of the 75 foreign nationals given citizenship by the decree is Snowden. The regulation was made public on a website run by the government. Putin Grants Russian Citizenship To Edward Snowden.

Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has been hiding in Russia since 2013 to avoid prosecution in his home country for disclosing secret papers describing secret government surveillance initiatives. He claimed at the time that he intended to seek Russian citizenship without renunciation of his American citizenship when he was given permanent status in 2020.

Snowden “should return to the United States where he should face prosecution, like any other American citizen would,” according to Ned Price, a spokesperson for the State Department. Price claimed he was unaware of any change in Snowden’s citizenship status.

“Perhaps the only thing that has changed is that, due to his Russian citizenship, allegedly now he may very possibly be drafted to fight in Russia’s foolish war in Ukraine,” the speaker continued.

An American woman named Lindsay Mills, who has been living with Snowden in Russia, will also be asking for a Russian passport, according to the former contractor’s attorney, Anatoly Kucherena, who spoke to RIA Novosti, the Russian government’s official news agency. A child was born to the couple in December 2020.

In 2019, Snowden, who has maintained a low profile while living in Russia and has occasionally criticized Russian government policies on social media, stated that he would be happy to return to the United States if a fair trial could be ensured. Putin Grants Russian Citizenship To Edward Snowden

“Ideally, I’d prefer to go back to the US. The ultimate objective is that “In 2019, Snowden spoke to CBS News. “But if I’m going to spend the rest of my life behind bars, the one need we absolutely must agree to is that I receive a fair trial. And because they won’t grant access to what is known as a “public interest defense,” the government has refused to guarantee that one thing.”

He hasn’t offered any commentary on receiving Russian citizenship. Kucherena stated that Snowden would not be called up to serve since he had no prior experience in the Russian army after Putin indicated last week that Russian men would be mobilized to assist in the army’s struggle in Ukraine.

In the meantime, Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Kremlin, informed news organizations that Snowden had obtained Russian citizenship at his request. Please tell your friends about this if you think it’s interesting. Go to Newswatchlist.com for the latest updates and news about celebrities.

About Francis Castro 2579 Articles
Francis Castro writes related to the Trending News Category. She manages to cover anything. Francis is our freelance contributor. Francis is responsible for covering reporting in Trending finance and business categories. Francis has experience of 5 years as reporter to Trending News insights.

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