Stranger Things Characters: The Duffer Brothers’ American science fiction horror television series Stranger Things is set in the 1980s in the fictitious Indiana town of Hawkins. It is available on Netflix. The Duffer Brothers’ “Stranger Things” has been engaging audiences worldwide since its premiere with gripping plots and intriguing characters who leave a mark regardless of how brief their appearances are on screen. Characters from “Stranger Things” are usually memorable and most instantly become household names.
After Shannon Purser’s Barbara Holland was brutally killed off, fans could find innumerable shirts, mugs, and other clothing items with the slogan “Justice for Barb.” In memory of Alec Utgoff’s Alexei, cherry-flavored Slurpees were bought worldwide and posted on Instagram. And, of course, there was SuperBob, a nickname created to honor Sean Astin’s portrayal of Bob Newby.
In “Stranger Things,” no character is flawless, though some are more likable than others. Since “Friends don’t lie” is the show’s tagline, most of them are excellent, but which one would you most want as a friend? Here is our list of the least to top likable “Stranger Things” characters.
19. Vecna
Henry Creel/One/Vecna is not just the main antagonist of “Stranger Things” Season 4, but he has also been a looming presence throughout the entire series. Behind the mask, actor and musician Jamie Campbell Bowers is likable, but each iteration of his persona is worse than the last. Henry Creel is a misunderstood little child with telekinetic skills who doesn’t seem to fit in with his family when viewers first encounter him. He is drawn to spiders and kills many other animals, including bunnies. Later, Henry uses his abilities to kill his sister and mother, blaming his father.
We learn that Henry, the first child of Dr. Brenner (thus the number “One”), and not Eleven, was responsible for the deaths of all the youngsters in the lab. In flashbacks, he even tries to convince Eleven of his scheme. She accidentally sends him to the Upside Down, where he transforms and takes control as Vecna to stop him. He doesn’t want to remain there permanently, so he starts killing Hawkins’s children to open more gates between the dimensions.
The ruthless manipulation that goes into Henry’s murders as Vecna involves using the victim’s worst memories (or their pain) against them by creating unsettling visions for them. Then they suffer a horrific demise with shattered bones and gouged eyes. In their showdown in Season 4, Eleven attempts to appeal to his humanity, but no good is left in him, and the murders essentially render him unredeemable.
18. Dr. Brenner
Dr. Brenner, better known as “Papa” to Eleven, is undoubtedly the most repulsive character in “Stranger Things.” While most human characters in the show are not overtly evil, Dr. Brenner’s motivations are undeniably wrong. A person who abuses kids and turns them into weapons has no redeeming qualities. Given that his acts directly cause Eleven’s mental state and loss of cognition, his treatment of her is reprehensible.
Though some viewers would contend that Dr. Brenner cares somewhat and never really planned for his experiments to go as far as they did, there were plenty of opportunities for him to stop and even turn things around if he desired. He chose not to take any of these opportunities. He became a corrupt, power-hungry guy whose personal goals outweighed any remaining humanity, making him the most unlikable character on the program.
17. Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove is unlikable for most of Season 2, but as his motivations become clearer in Season 3, he starts to sway viewers’ opinions. Although it does not excuse his aggressive behavior or bullying, the fact that his father is abusive in contrast to his loving mother helps explain it. Billy has aggressive inclinations that could have gone too far, even though he never murders anyone; if the kids hadn’t intervened, he might have killed Steve Harrington.
However, Billy’s character grows less unlikeable and more sympathetic as the monster takes control of him in the third season and utilizes his body as a host. By the time he says his last words to Max (“I’m sorry”), he has undergone a sort of redemption arc, and we can’t help but feel bad for the guy. While two short words don’t precisely make him better, they do show viewers that he had room to improve if he had lived. Max and the spectators are left pondering what may have been.
16. Jonathan Byers
Jonathan Byers has experienced minor growth, but he’s not likable, either. Although his life hasn’t exactly been a bed of roses, Jonathan needs to step outside of the older brother and boyfriend role since we know him better via other people than we do on his own. Besides the fact that he enjoys rock music and is a photographer, Jonathan is frequently absent from the spotlight. Although Jonathan doesn’t accomplish much in general, he puts his best foot forward in Season 3 when he steps up to remove a piece of the monster from Eleven’s leg. Instead of aspiring for something more splendid, he waits, moves in the background, and settles.
The Byers family has relocated to California, as hinted at in the Season 4 “Welcome to California” trailer, leaving Hawkins behind. If he takes advantage of the chance to make friends and find his identity, moving to California can be a great one for him. Jonathan might come to understand himself better and get a little more likable by being around some new individuals.
15. Argyle
Argyle enters Season 4 as comic relief, but his inherent decency elevates him to the status of a beloved character. He is described as Jonathan’s new best friend in California, where he makes pizza deliveries and consumes marijuana almost constantly. At first, Argyle doesn’t seem very trustworthy, but when trouble arises, and the group needs assistance, he is prepared for anything. When Eleven needs salt for her improvised sensory deprivation tank, he obtains it from Surfer Boy Pizza and provides his car as a means of transportation. Although Argyle occasionally freaks out due to what is occurring (and who can blame him given what he sees throughout Season 4), he decides to remain with his buddies.

The viewers like him because he is witty and very relaxed back. But what makes Argyle worth pulling for is how he appears to believe in others. His kindness jumps out in a town where others aren’t as sympathetic to Eleven and Will. He cares about the kids just as much as he loves about his bond with Jonathan. Eduardo Franco gives Argyle plenty of heart to go along with the hysterically funny comments, preventing him from becoming a forgettable figure.
14. Mike Wheeler
Mike Wheeler is unquestionably one of the most endearing characters in the first season. His devotion to Will is still unmatched, and his consideration for Eleven is a rarity we don’t often see on television. Mike welcomes her into his home and decides to put his faith in her even though his buddies don’t, which is unusual for boys his age. Mike, though, more or less turns into a typical teenage male in subsequent seasons as the characters develop.
After Will’s experience in Upside Down, he used to pay attention to his conduct and his wants, but he stopped doing so. Although these more recent events don’t necessarily make Mike unlikable, it is simpler to dislike him when he begins to believe that he is more intelligent than Eleven. In his favor, Mike makes an effort to improve when others point out his errors, so as the show continues, he ought to keep improving.
13. Murray Bauman
In Season 2, Brett Gelman’s character Murray Bauman (renowned for his reporting on the events at Hawkins Lab) makes an appearance. He assists Jonathan and Nancy first, followed by Joyce, Hopper, then the children. In a way, Murray is like the rest of us; he wants to hear the key characters express their actual emotions. He effectively made Jonathan and Nancy fall in love, as well as Joyce and Hopper, who may be even more significant. He can put individuals in awkward circumstances by being frank and without holding anything back, forcing them to address issues they might have otherwise chosen to ignore. And while Murray was initially more of a comic relief figure and a way into Hawkins Lab, he is unquestionably a crucial character now.
Few people, especially those who know that doing so could result in incarceration or even death, would put their entire existence on wait to follow a buddy to Russia. Murray is a strong and devoted character because of his desire to discover why everything terrible occurs in Hawkins; despite his complaints, his fortitude is a fantastic display of friendship. Or perhaps, like the rest of us, he desired a prime viewing location for Hopper and Joyce’s reunion. In any case, he’s now a permanent fixture on “Stranger Things,” and the series wouldn’t be the same without him and his karate prowess.
12. Nancy Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler isn’t exactly likable, but she does have her weaknesses, just like Jonathan Byers. Given that, it’s challenging not to support her in Season 3 when her staff continually disparages her, and Jonathan cannot grasp how infuriating this is. In the first two seasons, Nancy frequently acts egotistically to fulfill her desires, choosing to put relationships over friends. In the third season, she shows more excellent development when she starts to rely on her gut feelings and uses them to defend people around her.
Nancy is the kind of person who can think quickly and find a solution. She is adept at assisting in trying circumstances. Although Nancy may not be everyone’s favorite character, she has frequently saved the group from trouble. When caring for the more minor children, she is also a nurturing presence—another overlooked quality.
11. Erica Sinclair
Lucas’ younger sister Erica Sinclair is a relatively recent character whose background we are still learning about but is already more interesting than most of the adults on the program. Even though Erica frequently makes fun of her elder brother for being a nerd, it is evident that she loves him dearly. Erica has a fearless demeanor and the ability to negotiate with adults to achieve what she wants, which is an excellent quality, especially if she needs to survive in a world populated by creatures resembling aliens.
She is a blatant fangirl who adores “My Little Pony” and doesn’t mind if people make fun of her for it, demonstrating to the audience that one should be proud of whatever one love. The Season 3 conclusion, “The Battle of Starcourt,” made one clear: Erica will probably play a more significant part in the group moving forward, primarily since she now has Will’s “Dungeons & Dragons” game.
10. Robin Buckley
Robin Buckley, played by Maya Hawke, is endearing from the first time we see her in Season 3. She is resourceful and the only figure who can regularly put Steve Harrington in her place. Although there is still much to discover about Robin, we know that she is a lesbian and can speak five languages, including pig Latin. She revealed herself to Steve in an astonishingly moving moment.
When Robin asks Steve, “How many children are you friends with?” she speaks for the audience and expresses what we are all thinking. Robin blends in perfectly with the other characters. When necessary, Robin is courageous, has quick thinking, and is the kind of person who will fight for her friends. She defends his reputation to ensure Keith, the manager, employs him at the end of Season 3 when she and Steve both apply to Family Video.
9. Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson, played by Joseph Quinn, was Hawkins’ unsung hero and the season four fan favorite of “Stranger Things.” Eddie becomes a target and a suspect in the community without any fault, but this only makes his fans adore him more. He plays Metallica’s “Master of Puppets” in the Upside Down to divert a group of bat-like creatures in the most metal concert ever, and he stars in one of the season’s most talked-about scenes. After the incident, Quinn was invited to jam backstage with the actual band at the Lollapalooza festival. Even while they sang “Master of Puppets” during their set, Metallica showed the scene on the stadium’s giant screens. But why does the public so adore Eddie?
Eddie is the guitarist for the fictitious band Corroded Coffin and the president of the Hellfire Club at Hawkins High. Eddie continues to be extraordinarily compassionate to anyone who gives him a chance despite being frequently mocked by those who think he belongs to a satanic cult. Eddie first flees as he witnesses Chrissy Cunningham succumb to Vecna’s curse, but he ultimately sticks by his companions and bravely gives his life to protect their safety.
The best thing about Eddie is that he is a real hero rather than a classic one. While many viewers aspire to be Elevens, the reality is that most people would flee and turn away if these events happened. We can all identify with him, which makes his redemption all sweeter. Eddie’s unique nature also meshes well with the primary characters. If he had lived, he might have been able to impart musical knowledge to the Scoop Troop. Fans have been speculating about how we could see Eddie again ever before Season 4 ended.
8. Lucas Sinclair
Like his friend Mike, Lucas Sinclair is tremendously loyal, but what makes Lucas likable is how real and grounded he feels. Lucas is the first character to express hesitation toward Eleven, but he also offers the most heartfelt apology, realizing that his snap decisions aren’t the wisest course of action. No one should doubt Lucas’s good intentions, even though he still tends to be the friend group’s bluntest member and is ready to judge.
Viewers will recall that Eleven initially learns of Lucas’s “friends don’t lie” commitment, and despite his reservations and hesitations, he joins the team. Even though he presents himself as slick, he exhibits some reluctance when confessing his affection for Max, which makes their interactions all the cuter. His determination to be authentic with everyone ultimately proves his best quality.
7. Max Mayfield
Although Max Mayfield isn’t particularly likable at first, she develops into the kind of girl constantly thinking about others as the book continues. By portraying her as the complete opposite of Billy, the creators of the show avoided the easy option of making her the stereotypical new kid from California who makes fun of everyone. Instead, they highlighted the disparities between having a loving father and not.
In Season 3, the audience gets to glimpse more of Max’s emotions as it becomes clear that she still views Billy as her brother despite how he abuses her. She is prepared to stand up for him in The Battle of Starcourt and to put up with his bad behavior. Max is also the kind of young feminist that gives Eleven the self-assurance she needs to believe in her capabilities and goals because she understands the importance of female agency. Max may still have a lot to learn, like most younger characters, but she is one of the few headed in the right direction.
6. Dustin Henderson
In addition to being humorous, Dustin Henderson also wears his heart on his sleeve like no other character on the show does, making him more endearing by the second. Even if he makes dubious decisions (such as hiding Dart from his companions in Season 2), nobody would have known what the Russians were planning in Hawkins without his keen observation in Season 3. Nobody could doubt Dustin’s commitment to them or doubt his shrewdness.

Even though he takes risks, he always has good intentions and will go above and beyond to complete a task, even if it means singing a duet with his long-distance fiancée amid a volatile situation. Dustin occasionally faces bullying like all the lads, but he won’t let their remarks lessen his appreciation for nerdy things. His friendship with Steve Harrington is one of the best aspects of the program, and the actors are well aware of this. Even the actor who plays Dustin, Gaten Matarazzo, has alluded to a spinoff. He told Entertainment Tonight that a Dustin-Steve spinoff “would be amazing if it were in a crazy niche format.”
5. Will Byers
Will Byers is the best of the lads, and we would all agree if the boys were real people. Even though he might be uncomfortable, silent, and bashful at times, his devotion and loyalty are priceless. His buddies wouldn’t keep risking their lives to defend him if he weren’t such a great kid. Will, the series’ protagonist, makes the Upside Down worthwhile.
The gang fights and spends time with their girlfriends or apart in the third season, but Will serves as the “glue” that keeps them all together. Will always sets plans and decides to be forgiving even when he feels alone. Even though he lacks physical combat skills, he is a young person who is not afraid of his more vulnerable sides in a world full of heartless people. Like Dustin, he accepts his nerdiness and displays gratitude for those around him, which is a beautiful quality.
4. Joyce Byers
Joyce Byers has always been the best type of mother and a likable person. Joyce struggles day and night, believing in her instincts and insinuating that her son is still alive, even though the entire community turns against her and mocks her. She is the most nuanced of all the characters, demonstrating that she can always bounce back from anything life throws her. Joyce Byers serves as a multifaceted metaphor for the working class, while Hawkins represents how the general public views those who aren’t well off.
Joyce is frequently misjudged, mocked, and diminished, yet she is unfazed by any of it. For Joyce, protecting her children and letting them pursue their dreams come first. She cares that Will and Jonathan are content. She listens to logic, is friendly, and is easy to talk to. She also looks out for those around her. She demonstrates that endurance leads to strength by being diligent, open, and soft-spoken, like her son Will. There should be Joyce Byers in every person’s life.
3. Jim Hopper
Jim Hopper is the most relatable and meme-worthy character on “Stranger Things” from the moment he enters the police station and says, “Mornings are for contemplation.” He is instantly likable from the get-go, but when the show reveals his darker past, it is simpler to comprehend his pessimistic outlook. Hopper has experienced much suffering (he tragically lost his daughter), and although he doesn’t immediately believe Joyce about Will’s disappearance, once he does, he strives valiantly for his safe return. Hopper eventually has the chance to adopt Eleven, demonstrating that even though he isn’t quite ready for the adolescent years, he is on the right track to adopting.
In Season 3, Hopper tells Eleven that he’s not only learning but also that his complexity results from his prior errors. Keep on maturing, son. Don’t let me stop you. Make errors, learn from them, and when life hurts you, it will remember the suffering. The hurt is good, he writes in part of the letter, reminding the audience that despite his grumbling through everything, Hopper has a heart of solid gold.
2. Steve Harrington
It wasn’t easy to foresee Steve Harrington becoming a fan favorite when the show introduced him to the audience. He’s arrogant, self-centered, and acts like the classic young athlete for whom popularity is his priority. But when Steve replaces Jonathan’s damaged camera with a new one, he demonstrates that he is willing to change. After Nancy breaks up with him in Season 2, he is practically a lone wolf, but befriending Dustin changed everything; he unintentionally became the world’s best babysitter and the internet’s favorite mom.
There are numerous compilations of Steve acting like a parent figure on YouTube and Twitter, including when he benches the youngsters, throws the towel over his shoulder, and prevents the kids from running headfirst into danger. Netflix loves to participate in this prank. Before we forget, here’s wishing Joyce Byers, Steve Harrington, and all the other mothers in Hawkins a pleased Mother’s Day, according to a previous tweet from Netflix India. Despite the humor, “Stranger Things” defies expectations admirably by letting Steve’s development unfold naturally. He keeps improving by demonstrating to the audience that he’s making up for being lazy and rude.
1. Eleven
Eleven, played by Millie Bobby Brown, is endearing from the start, not just because of her telekinesis. The core of the narrative is Eleven, and her intrinsic goodness is the reason the main protagonists keep winning their battles. She may have chosen to utilize her abilities to exact retribution, becoming a full-on supervillain after everything she endured at the hands of Dr. Brenner while serving as his lab rat daughter. Eleven is a lovely youngster who prefers company and Eggo waffles instead.

She is every child (or adult) who only wants a place to belong in many different ways. Eleven is heart-centered and devoted without ceasing. She absorbs the sentiment after understanding that friends don’t tell lies and makes a promise to herself to be honest, and faithful to the people she loves. The ability to love and be vulnerable is Eleven’s most incredible superpower, even though she can occasionally be too strong for her good. She is the most endearing character in “Stranger Things” since she offers without expecting anything in return.
I’m curious about your opinions. Which character from Stranger Things is your favorite? Tell us in the comments section below. Visit if you want to learn more about Stranger Things.
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