Jean Leriche Obituary: On October 10, 2020, a park near his family’s home was the terrible site of a targeted gunshot that tragically killed Jean A. Leriche, age 27, of Northeast Philadelphia.
The sixth child in a family of six, Alex Leriche was born to Sergo and Laurence Leriche on November 6, 1992, in Brooklyn, New York. He was raised in the Christian faith and began to trust and believe in God at a very young age. When Alex was just seven years old, the family moved to Philadelphia shortly after.
Alex attended Creighton Elementary School, Grover Washington Middle School, and Samuel Fels High School in Philadelphia. Alex made the decision to skip a college education after high school and instead pursue a variety of training programs in business, trade schools, and construction in order to prepare for starting his own firm.

Helping others was one of Alex’s great loves. Anytime he was asked, he was always prepared to assist. He naturally connected with people of all ages, particularly with kids. The children he knew and grew up with from an early age were his closest buddies. His relationships were close and lasting. He was a leader among his peers and had an independent mind.
His siblings Herlande Leriche, Lysandre (Dee) Leriche, James Leriche, Nadine Florent, and Laura Marcelin, as well as his nieces and nephews Arielle and Joline Florent, Jazmei Perrin, Ethan, Sophie, and Levi Leriche, and Laurence, Ava, and Ezra Marcelin survive him and will mourn him. By his cousins Myriam, Carline, Jude, Jessie, and Jeff Leriche, by his uncles and aunts Wilky Morette, Michelet, and Madelene Leriche, and by numerous close friends who he considers family.
Due to social distance limitations, only a small number of friends and extremely close family members will attend the LERICHE family’s memorial ceremony on Saturday, October 17, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Ebenezer Haitian Baptist Church, 258 E. Roosevelt Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19120.
At Forest Hills Memorial Park, 25 Byberry Rd, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006, a burial service will be held afterward. Call (215) 234-7998 between noon and 12:30.
Donations in honor of Laurence Leriche are welcome. On the morning of the Service, the church will take these condolence and gift cards. Please forward this to your friends if you find it interesting. is the best place to find the latest and updated information about your favorite celebs.
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