The drama series “Fire Country” on CBS was created by Tony Phelan, Joan Rater, and Max Thierlot and centers on teenage prisoner Bode Donovan, who has a terrible background but is now trying to mend his ways. He enrolls in a firefighting program to reduce the length of his prison sentence and, by chance, is transported to his hometown. He must cooperate with his former pals, other cellmates, and professional firefighters to eliminate the enormous flames that break out around the area.
Alongside the compelling story, a superb cast led by Max Thieriot, Billy Burke, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, and Stephanie Arcila delivers equally excellent performances. The fire in Bode that propels him toward repentance is reflected in the blazes seen throughout the series. Additionally, if Edgewater is a fake town, where exactly was the filming of Fire Country done? You are fortunate that we have all the information on it, though!
Where Is Fire Country Filmed?
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In particular, Metro Vancouver, Fort Langley, and Squamish are used extensively throughout “Fire Country” filming in British Columbia. According to reports, March 2022 served as the shooting month for the pilot episode. About the remaining portions of the first iteration, principal photography started in July 2022. Without further ado, let us walk you through the various locations that serve as the series’ equivalents of Edgewater.
Metro Vancouver, British Columbia
@yvrshoots little bit of NorCal in Anmore! Anyone know what’s to be filmed here? Didn’t see any signs.
— 🌙I picnic at midnight✨ (@AlisonBousa) March 21, 2022
The majority of “Fire Country” was recorded in Metro Vancouver, often known as Greater Vancouver, a metropolitan area featuring Vancouver as its principal urban center. For instance, the show’s fictional town of Edgewater is represented in the Metro Vancouver village of Anmore. Greater Vancouver, which is located in the southwest corner of British Columbia’s mainland, has long been a popular location for film and television productions like “Quantum Leap,” “Deadpool,” “Devil in Ohio,” and “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.”
Fort Langley, British Columbia
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According to rumors, the cast and crew of “Fire Country” also film the scenes in the fictitious Northern Californian town of Edgewater at Fort Langley, a small hamlet in the Township of Langley. Fort Langley, part of the Township of Langley, is home to several exciting places, including the BC Farm and Equipment Museum, Fort Langley Community Park, and Fort Langley Community Hall.
Squamish, British Columbia
A few scenes from “Fire Country” appear to have been shot at Squamish, a place in British Columbia that is both a village and a district municipality. Many filmmakers have traveled to Squamish over the years to conduct filming. As a result, it has played a significant role in the production of numerous films and television programs, including “Final Destination,” “Antlers,” “Insomnia,” “Lost in Space,” and “Big Sky.”
Are The Events In Fire Country Real?
Yes, “Fire Country” is partly inspired by a real story. The two main themes of the series are the redemption arc of an imprisoned character and the lives of those living in areas where fires occur more frequently than they might prefer. The CBS drama was inspired by the experiences of actor Max Thieriot, who plays the role of Bode Donovan. He falls into the latter type.
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